![]() Louie’s best friend, Mick, passed some time ago due to complications from a heart condition. We have many fond memories but one, in particular, stands out as a lifelong lesson for me. Mick and Louie loved roughhousing and running around in the backyard. Since Louie’s legs are so little and Mick’s were very long, Louie found a way to even the playing field by nipping at Mick’s legs. One fun evening after quite a long time of playing, Mick had enough of Louie nipping at his legs. He rolled Louie over on his back with a quick nudge of his head. Louie promptly turned to stand upright on all four but was clearly miffed. He snarled and pranced off, putting an end to playtime. He went inside and pouted—and I mean pouted. But by the very next time Louie saw Mick, all was forgiven, and they were quickly best buddies again. Do not think Louie just forgot about the incident. Louie has a very good memory—too good, sometimes. Because he was delighted to see his friend again, I believe he chose to forgive. Oh, that we would be so quick to forgive. When we choose to hold onto bitterness and unforgiveness, we are the ones who suffer. Today, be quick to forgive, let go of the bitterness, and choose joy. Forgiveness is the key to a joy-filled life! Forgive others…and yourself! ![]() FUN NOTE: I could always tell when Louie saw “Mickers” outside. Louie would give several short quick barks in a row, reserved only for his friend, Mick, and it was their own sort of communication. I’d looked out and sure enough, Mick was standing outside waiting for his pal, Louie. |