Louie finds so much joy in the simplest ways; a long leisurely walk, interacting with neighbors, or zooming room to room. Seeing me or my grandchildren always brings him joy. Our world needs joy right now. With so much devastating news that is real and heartbreaking, is it possible to experience joy? Well, that depends! We sometimes confuse joy and happiness, and it is not that one is right and the other is wrong. Happiness is circumstantial. We feel happy when something goes well. But joy, true reverberating joy, comes from a place deep within us. The smile of a loved one, the fluttering wings of a butterfly, our faith, or the giggle of a child can fill us with immense joy, despite our circumstances. Through joy, we connect with a deep sense of wonder. Sometimes in very simple ways, we find a connection to our purpose far beyond ourselves. Joy is something our hearts long to experience and truly transcends our circumstances. Find joy today and share it with others. |