by danisedistasi | Mar 15, 2021 | Adapt, Adjust, Balance of strong, Be authentic, Courage, Humility, Ken Blanchard, Leadership, Loved, Trust, Truth
Before COVID hit, Louie, my rescue pup, and I enjoyed speaking to various schools, small groups, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. He is indeed a transformed dog and loves the accolades he receives as we share the story of our journey together. Sometime ago, my...
by danisedistasi | Dec 28, 2020 | Adjust, Be authentic, Christmas Memories, Ending well, Forgiveness, Honesty, Loved, Necessary Endings, Relationships, Trust, Truth
Rachel Royer Designs made the best Christmas gifts ever! Ahhh, we made it to the last Monday of 2020. I don’t know about you, but I am very reflective this time of year. It is especially true as we finish a difficult year. I had to hit PAWS as I reflect on...
by wiadmin | Apr 24, 2020 | Adapt, Adjust, Be authentic, bold and humble, Collaboration, Conflict, Consistency, Courage, dreams, Healthy Culture, Honesty, Loved, Respect
Living through Covid-19 and all the talk about getting back to normal reminded me of a time not so long ago. In December of 2016, I experienced a terrible fall on ice, which resulted in a fractured hip and femur. Louie was as traumatized as I was, through the journey...
by wiadmin | Jan 26, 2020 | Adapt, Adjust, Balance of strong, Be authentic, bold and humble, Collaboration, Consistency, Courage, dreams, Forgiveness, Healthy Culture, Ken Blanchard, Leadership, Loved, Respect, Servant Leadership, The LOUIE model, The PAWS model, Transparency, Trust, Truth, Valued
Have you given up on your resolutions yet? Many of us have. And why is that? Well, Louie and I learned the hard way and we may have the answer you’re looking for. Read More… Contact us to have us speak at your event. Louie is available to...
by wiadmin | Dec 24, 2019 | Adapt, Adjust, Be authentic, Christmas Memories, Conflict, Courage, Forgiveness, Lifelong relationships, Loved, Relationships, Respect, The PAWS model, Transparency, Trust, Truth
. We love the holidays with all the celebrations between Thanksgiving and New Years! But have you noticed that one little relationship that just gets on your nerves? Why? Could it be…well, I won’t ruin the fun. I’ll let Louie share a little tip on...
by wiadmin | May 22, 2019 | Leadership, Loved, Respect, Trust
Sometimes, the toughest employees in the office are often the most fearful. As leaders, how can we help them get past their fears? Read More Save The Date… We have exciting news to share and details will follow. For now, please save the date for a...