by wiadmin | May 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Pandemic Changed Everything Louie and I usually take a break for the summer, but we’ve had enough of a break thanks to COVID19. We’re actually ramping up for something new and exciting. We will no longer be publishing our leadership blog and will share...
by wiadmin | May 14, 2020 | Adapt, Adjust, Balance of strong, Be authentic, Collaboration, Conflict, Consistency, Courage
We’ve Still Have Much to Learn! We’ve slowed down a bit, we’ve adjusted, and we’re now trying to ramp back up. But what have we learned during this time? Louie longingly remembers a few good things about the pandemic and has some advice to share going forward. To Read...
by wiadmin | Dec 14, 2017 | Balance of strong, Be authentic, bold and humble, Consistency, Courage, Fundamentals in leadership, Healthy Culture, Honesty, Leadership, Loved, Relationships, Respect, Transparency, Trust, Truth, Uncategorized
I envy my dog Louie’s ability to just be. As I watch him looking out the window, I often wonder whether he is looking for something in particular. Is he remembering the mole he dug out of the dirt in the backyard and thrashed it about until it was lifeless (witnessed...
by wiadmin | Jan 20, 2016 | Balance of strong, Be authentic, bold and humble, Courage, Fear and Pride, Football, Fundamentals in leadership, Healthy Culture, Honesty, Leadership, Moral compromise, People process differently, Relationships, Respect, Servant Leadership, Transparency, Trust
If you’ve read this blog since the beginning you know the issues I’ve had with Louie, my adopted pup, and how fearful he can be. I’ve learned many valuable lessons from our trainer, Zig, but one in particular continues to make an impact on us. Zig shared that Louie...