Well, it has been a while since we’ve been on WordPress. And everything has changed. But some things changed for the good.

For instance, we all slowed down a bit, reconnected with loved ones that lived in the same house, and we appreciated life a bit more.

For us, well, we worked on this little book called Louie’s Little Legs and released it on Tuesday, September 15, 2020. So far, the feedback has been amazing. Thank you!

We thought we would share some of the PR that’s come out about the book.

Check out an article that Weaving Influence wrote about us: ARTICLE LINK

And a Podcast with Becky Robinson about our crowdfunding project:

How to be successful with crowdfunding with Danise DiStasi
The Book Marketing Action Podcast

And lastly, I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned thanks to a little pup named Louie:

• Be a loving person by being kind, patient, etc.
• Do not see others as objects
• Understand there’s always something unknown in other people’s lives

While Louie’s Little Legs offers a fun and magical story, there is a lesson. We offer children a concrete way to shift their minds from quickly judging someone (or in this case, Louie judging a cat he doesn’t like) to taking a moment to understand there may be something going on that we don’t know about. Before jumping to conclusions, be kind!

Check us out at unleash-love.com. And be kind  

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