by danisedistasi | Aug 30, 2021 | Courage, Honesty, Leadership, Loved, Relationships, Valued
Louie finds so much joy in the simplest ways; a long leisurely walk, interacting with neighbors, or zooming room to room. Seeing me or my grandchildren always brings him joy.Our world needs joy right now. With so much devastating news that is real and heartbreaking,...
by danisedistasi | Aug 18, 2021 | Courage, Honesty, Leadership, Loved, Relationships, Valued
Louie’s best friend, Mick, passed some time ago due to complications from a heart condition. We have many fond memories but one, in particular, stands out as a lifelong lesson for me. Mick and Louie loved roughhousing and running around in the backyard. Since...
by danisedistasi | Aug 9, 2021 | Courage, Honesty, Leadership, Loved, Relationships, Valued
Even with all his quirks and behavior challenges, Louie really is a patient little dog. His pal Rascal runs circles around Louie, and Louie sits, patiently waiting. Sometimes, when Rascal slows down for a minute and gets close enough, Louie will lick the top of...
by danisedistasi | Aug 6, 2021 | Courage, Honesty, Leadership, Loved, Relationships, Valued
Be Kind! Louie needs to revisit his book, Louie’s Little Legs and The Magic of Kindness. In the story, he learned how to love others by being kind. His pal Stitchy taught him that there is always something unknown in other people’s...
by danisedistasi | Jul 21, 2021 | Courage, Honesty, Leadership, Loved, Relationships, Valued
You are Loved! Those three words bounce off many of us like a nerf ball off a cement wall. Yet, our lack of belief in those words does not make them any less true. You are loved because you were created. And you were created for a purpose. Just let that sink in for a...
by danisedistasi | Apr 13, 2021 | Adapt, Adjust, Balance of strong, Be authentic, bold and humble, Consistency, Courage, Fundamentals in leadership, Healthy Culture, Honesty, Humility, Loyalty, Relationships, Respect, Valued
Loyalty is at an all-time low. People jump ship from a favorite brand just because another brand has more likes on social media. After all, we do so much online today, so who would know? It’s not like we have to sit across the desk from a sales rep and explain why we...